Poems to Choose From

You can also use your own poem, verse or words.


POEM nb#1
Babies are Angels that fly to the earth,
Their wings disappear at the time of their birth
One look in their eyes and we're never the same
They're part of us now and that part has a name
That part is your heart and a bond that won't sever
Our Babies are Angels, we love them forever 

POEM nb#2
I thanked the angels from above,
And promised you unending love.
Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door
Awed each day I love you more

POEM nb#3
Precious one,
So small, So sweet
Dancing in on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's brightest star
What a beautiful miracle you are

POEM nb#4
A little bit of heaven
Drifted down from above -
A handful of happiness,
A heartful of love.
The mystery of life,
So sacred and sweet
The giver of joy
So deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,
So lovable, too
The world's sweetest miracle,
Baby, is you ( can change to babys name) 

POEM ultra#1
As I peek inside what do I see….
A tiny miracle growing in me
Feeling your presence
each day as you grow
Your tiniest movements
only I could know
You were a blessing
right from the start
We love you now
with all our heart
What a precious first picture
I’ll forever hold true
To remind me of the months
we were waiting for you

 POEM ultra#2
My precious little baby,
I have loved you from the start.
You are a tiny miracle
laying closely to my heart.
Each day I feel your presence,
each day you quickly grow.
Each day your heart beats softly,
as only I could know.
So I'll keep this in a special place
and remember each year through,
Of this very special time of life,
The months I carried you.

 POEM ultra#3
Your eyes might be green,
Your eyes might be blue,
My imagination runs wild
With images of you.
Your hands & your feet,
How small they must be,
When you're placed in my arms,
Whose face will I see.
Whether a handsome boy,
Or a beautiful little girl,
We shall cherish the day,
You enter this world.

POEM ultra#4
It won't be long 'til we find out
if you're a mister or a miss.
And in the future if you'll be
a brother or a sis.
Will you be our sweet little girl,
-- or our silly little boy?
Either way we'll swell with pride,
when with the world we share our joy.
What colour will we paint your room?
Pink or baby blue?
Will you play with dolls or soccer balls?
We haven't got a clue.
Will we clap for you at dance recitals,
or cheer your football game?
Which one of these, many years from now
will be your claim to fame?
Will you be our son or daughter?
You know it really doesn't matter.

We'll love you just the same
if you're the former or the latter


Your Little Grandbaby
Here's a little peek at me, it shows I'm on the way,
Little grandbabies like me, don't happen every day.
I'm busy growing strong, and one day soon we'll meet,
I can't wait to hug and kiss, the moment will be sweet.
For now dream of me, and the things we'll do,
Explore, sing, laugh, and play, to name a very few.
Save a special place for me, to grow inside your heart,
We will be forever friends, a love that never parts,
I hope you'll share your joy, with friends both new and old.
A little grandbaby to love, will soon be yours to hold


POEM hf#1
As I grow, I'll change a lot,
The years will fly right by,
You'll wonder how I grew up so quick
When and where and why?
So look upon these prints of mine
That are hanging on the wall
And memories will come back of me
When I was very small.

 POEM hf#2
Such beautiful little feet
They are so cute and small
If you count you will find
There are ten toes in all.
 Soon baby will be walking
And then running on those feet
And those little foot steps
Are a sound that you can’t beat.
Every single day
Those little feet are going to grow
And before you know it
Outside those little feet will go.
So now is the time
To get those foot prints
For soon baby will be grown
And running with a sprint.

POEM hf#3
 There is nothing that is as sweet
As the little pitter patter of a baby’s feet.

 POEM hf#4
There is something special
About a baby's feet
They are so cute and tiny
And they look so adorable and sweet.
With adorable little footprints
That touch our hearts and more
And the sad thing is that before we know it
They’ll be running out the door.
So treasure those baby feet
Enjoy each and every day
For soon your baby will be grown
And walking their own way.

 POEM hf#5
 It’s like music to your ears
Hearing those little feet
 Running through your house
It’s music, oh so sweet.

POEM hf#6 
There is something special
About a baby's feet
They are so cute and tiny
And they look so adorable and sweet.
With adorable little footprints
That touch our hearts and more
And the sad thing is that before we know it
They’ll be running out the door.
So treasure those baby feet
Enjoy each and every day
For soon your baby will be grown
And walking their own way.

POEM hf#7
Wherever tiny footprints
Of a baby happen to be found
This is something special
You’re standing on precious ground.

Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small,
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But everyday I am growing,
I'll be grown up someday,
And all these tiny handprints
Will simply fade away.
So here's a final handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small. 

 POEM hf#9
 My little hands play patty-cake
They peek-a-boo and wave.....
They catch me while I learn to walk,
And splash me as I bathe.
They hold your fingers tightly
And touch your heart so deep...

My little hands reach out to you
For hugs before I sleep.....
My little hands are tiny now
But yours will serve to guide me.
And when I'm grown I'll still reach out
And know you're right beside me.

 POEM hf#10
Ten tiny fingers, that always want to play,
That never stop exploring that wonder of today,
Ten tiny fingers, that from the very start,
Will reach out for tomorrow yet always hold your heart

 POEM hf#11
Little hands and tiny feet,
Shy, and cute, and so petite;
Little whimpers, little cries,
Darling, little sparkling eyes

POEM hf#13
Sometimes you get discouraged,
Because I am so small
And leave my little prints
On furniture and walls.
But everyday I'm growing
And soon I'll be  tall
That all these little prints
Will be difficult to recall.
So here's a little print
That you can put away
So you will know how my
hands and feet looked
On this special day

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I launched "C.M." at the 'Sydney Baby and Toddler Show' in 2011,I am constantly updating my web site and creating new designs, so please consider signing up to my newsletter so I can keep you up to date with all the exciting new happenings at "C.M

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